Sunday, September 30, 2012


Sitting in his overcushioned chair, he slouches over his cold, metal desk. He continues to tap at his keyboard, stopping every so often to rephrase a sentence or to backspace because the "s" key keeps sticking. 

He has greasy hair and unclipped fingernails. His skin is blotchey and his body disproportioned. His eyes bloodshot from the long days at the office. His teeth are yellowed. He wears an oversized trenchcoat to cover his buldging stomach. His loose glasses constantly slip to the tip of his nose. 

This man is Society. He's the one, stuck in a room lacking natural light, telling girls their waists are too wide. Telling boys that real men look like Abercrombie models. He's making girls believe that boys only want the sleezy and the slutty. He's telling boys that respect is history. He's convinced girls that anorexia is beautiful and that roids are a man's best friend. 

But why are we listening to this smudge-faced, mucky-breathed, trashy-clothed man? 

I'm Thinking

I'm thinking about you.
Probably more than I should be, but it keeps me smiling almost constantly.
I'm thinking about winter snows.
Hot chocolate and snowmen and sweaters and long nights.
I'm thinking about school days.
Wondering if 6 hours a day will really determine my future.
I'm thinking about family.
Hugging, holding, loving.
I'm thinking about time.
There's never enough, but I find myself wasting it.
I'm thinking about Mondays.
A fresh beginning to a brand new week.
I'm thinking about New York City.
Too many lights, too many people.
I'm thinking about that old dirt road.
I want to be a country girl.
But most of all,
I'm thinking about you.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Biggest Fear

Just looking at this picture makes me queazy.
I am terrified of bees, mostly wasps, but really anything that buzzes and stings.
All bees deserve to die.

What If

I'm afraid of my happiness. Right now, I'm happy! Life is treating me well. I feel good about where I'm at. And that is what makes me so afraid. 

We're given trials that bring us down, but eventually lift us higher than we've ever been before. Who really knows that for sure? What if we don't respond to the hardships by climbing higher? What if I'm stuck in that deep, dark place? Stuck. What if I've been dragged so far down, I can't find my way back up? 
What if?

I'm afraid of what if 's. 

What if I give all that I can and it's just not enough?
What if I shoot for the stars, but get sucked into a black hole?
What if I lose that someone because I don't think I'm good enough?
What if?
What if I can never truly accept myself?
What if I never find someone who truly accepts me?

But what if these fears don't even matter?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Frustrated Fan

7 things BYU football needs.

1. An Offensive line that doesn't false start 10 times a game.
2. A quarterback that doesn't have nice hair and can, therefore, throw the ball accurately.
3. A coach that cares.
4. A coach that gets in his player's faces.
5. A coach that shows emotion.
6. A center that snaps the ball to the quarterback.
7. A cornerback that can defend long passes.

                            A Frustrated Fan 

My Love

What is love? Don't ask me, I've never been in love. I've never kissed a boy, let alone held one's hand.  So does that mean i've never felt love? Is love the heart racing, the sweaty palms, and the batting of eyes?


But that is not a love I know. My love is different. 

When my baby sister calls for me from her crib each morning. That is my love. 

When my best friend cries with me. That is my love.
Long car rides with my brother. That is my love.
When my dad says he's proud of me.
My sister's funny faces.
The patience, time, giving of my mother.
My grandpa's bear hugs.
The highpitched giggle of my brother.
The unity of my team, pushing me, making me better.
Being alone, having time to think, ponder.
The loud laughs and sounds of conversation every family dinner.

That is my love.

That is my love.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Now

If    you're ALWAYS 
racing to the NEXT moment
to the one you're IN?


Blog #1

Potential is something I find hard to completely understand. She has so much potential... He had so much potential. It's a could be/could have been. It's the high expectations in what only has a small chance of becoming reality. Potential is the "let um off easy..." It's giving credit where credit hasn't been earned. It's expecting more out of someone than what they are, at that time, capable of. 

But on the other hand, potential is opportunity. It is the capabilities and God-given talents of the individual. Potential is given on expectation of the indiviual's hardwork and dedication. Success lies in the hands of the potentialee. Opportunities seized results in the change of potential to overall achievment.