Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Love

What is love? Don't ask me, I've never been in love. I've never kissed a boy, let alone held one's hand.  So does that mean i've never felt love? Is love the heart racing, the sweaty palms, and the batting of eyes?


But that is not a love I know. My love is different. 

When my baby sister calls for me from her crib each morning. That is my love. 

When my best friend cries with me. That is my love.
Long car rides with my brother. That is my love.
When my dad says he's proud of me.
My sister's funny faces.
The patience, time, giving of my mother.
My grandpa's bear hugs.
The highpitched giggle of my brother.
The unity of my team, pushing me, making me better.
Being alone, having time to think, ponder.
The loud laughs and sounds of conversation every family dinner.

That is my love.

That is my love.


  1. I like this.

    "This is my love."

    Love is not just holding a boy's hand or being kissed. It's much more than that. I love your angle on love

  2. I like this. It's genuine and makes me miss my family. Thank you.

  3. I really like this line, "When my dad says he's proud of me." because that isn't my love it's my goal. and when my dad even says one thing to me it almost makes me cry. I can see how much that would mean to you and why it's your love.

  4. "But that is not a love I know. My love is different" I like your approach about your family.
